By Isabelle Z.
Cell tower radiation confirmed to cause cancer in animals
It’s not surprising that so many people have cancer nowadays. Carcinogens are in the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe. We might be able to control what we choose to eat and drink, but the invisible dangers you’re exposed to in your daily life are another story entirely. If […]
By Edsel Cook
Technology “pollution” threatens astronomy with light from LEDs, satellite, wifi
Technology has light and dark sides. Even as it grants astronomers further sight and deeper insight into the cosmos, it also spawns pollution that veils the empyrean, warned a Science News For Students article. During the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society this January, astronomers warned about increasing amounts of space debris, light pollution, and radio […]
By Isabelle Z.
The EMF assault continues as 5G rolls out – but does anyone know the consequences to human health, the environment?
As ultra-high-speed 5G wireless begins to roll out, concerns about what the technology might do to our health are rising. Telecommunications companies are hyping up the technology’s amazing speeds and reliability, but what price will we pay for it? It’s been a concern since cell phones first came on the market back in the 1980s, […]
By Seth Leaf Pruzansky
Is the gemstone Tourmaline effective at reducing harmful EMF’s?
With a growing number of people recognizing the adverse and destructive health effects of WiFi radiation the need for natural solutions are greater than ever. While it may be difficult (especially in highly populated areas) to protect yourself from the influx of harmful WiFi radiation and their resulting EMFs, there are some great precautionary measures […]
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